Need another copy of your payment voucher?
- Reprint your check payment voucher.
- Your tracking number is required.
What happens if I pay after May 1st?
- A $400 late fee will be imposed on all profit corporations, limited liability companies, limited partnerships and limited liability limited partnerships.
- Non-profit corporations are not subject to the $400 late fee.
What happens if I don’t file the annual report?
- If you do not file an annual report by the third Friday of September, your business entity will be administratively dissolved or revoked in our records at the close of business on the fourth Friday of September. (Chapters 607, 617 and 620, F.S.)
- Administratively dissolved or revoked entities may be reinstated, but it requires submitting a reinstatement application and paying all associated fees (the reinstatement fee + annual report fees due) at the time of submission.
- For the 2021 calendar year, the last day to pay by check is September 17th. You may pay by credit card through 5:00pm EST, September 24, 2021.
If my business has closed, do I still need to file the annual report?
No. You do not need to file the annual report if the business has closed.
- File to dissolve or withdraw a Florida or Foreign Corporation or LLC.
- File to dissolve or cancel a Florida or Foreign Limited Partnership or Limited Liability Limited Partnership.
How long does it take for my annual report to post on Sunbiz?
- Filed online with a credit card: Reports are processed and posted immediately.
- If paying by check or money order: Your document will be processed in the order it was received.
Can I make changes when I file my annual report?
Yes, the annual report allows you to:
- Add, delete, or change the names and/or addresses of the officers, directors, managers, authorized members; and make changes to addresses only for any general partners.
- Change the registered agent and registered office address.
- Change the principal office address and mailing address for the business entity.
- Add or change the federal employer identification number.
NOTE: The annual report does not permit you to change the name of your business. To change the name, download and complete the appropriate amendment form. Mail the completed form with payment to the Division of Corporations.
How do I make changes if I have already filed this year’s annual report?