A workers’ compensation settlement is an agreement between you and your employer, or its insurance company, specifying the benefits you will receive for your injury. Settlement is often the most common way of resolving a workers’ comp dispute. However, some settlements are final and cannot be undone, even if your condition gets worse later on. That’s why it is very important to understand the settlement process in your state and what rights you are giving up. To learn the rules in your state, select it from the list below.
Getting a Fair Amount From Your Workers' Comp Settlement Don’t agree on a settlement amount in your workers' comp case without first researching the law or hiring a lawyer.
What Happens if My Condition Gets Worse After I Settle My Workers' Compensation Case? Depending on the nature of your workers' comp settlement and the laws in your state, you might be able to get paid for further medical treatment and disability benefits. You might also have a new workplace injury on top of the old one.
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