Accounting. a sheet of paper on which is printed a series of columns and into which tentative figures are entered as a preliminary step in preparing the adjusted or final statement.
Digital Technology. a page or section of a workbook, usually in a spreadsheet application.“Families have told me they’re afraid to go to the school district to get things like worksheets, learning supplies and the free meals the school district has been handing out since the pandemic started,” Perng said.
Teaching virtually isn’t just giving kids a video to watch and a worksheet to do.
Getting the SBA to forgive Round 1 loans demanded that borrowers fill out three forms and a worksheet, supported by five pages of instructions, and submit potentially dozens of documents.
The students were to fill out the worksheet and share it with Jackson.
Initially, teachers made worksheets for each grade level, which parents had to pick up at school.
The teacher who created the worksheet admitted “extremely poor judgment,” and will apologize to the students in the class.
As long as you're this far, come on in the office and make out your worksheet.
But he got interested in making the marks on the paper, when Jason helped him color the worksheet.