HIPAA Business Associate (Definition, Agreement, and More)

A HIPAA business associate shakes hands with the CEO of a covered entity to signify their agreement.

The original HIPAA Privacy Rule of 2003 included provisions for Covered Entities (health care providers, health insurance issuers, and health care clearinghouses) to share protected health information on behalf of the covered entities with “business associates”.

In this Article …

What is the definition of a Business Associate?

The formal definition of a business associate is a person or entity that performs certain functions or activities that involve the use or disclosure of protected health information (PHI) on behalf of the covered entity.

Business associate functions include services such as:

Types of services that may be provided by business associates include:

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Who is not a Business Associate?

Understanding who is not considered a Business Associate under HIPAA rules can be just as crucial as knowing who is. To clear up any confusion, let’s examine some instances where entities or individuals are not deemed Business Associates.

What are examples of Business Associate organizations?

There are numerous examples of organizations that are business associates of covered entities:

What is a Business Associate Contract?

Business associate contracts are also referred to as business associate agreements.

A Business associate contract is required whenever a covered entity transmits protected health information to another entity whose service involves receiving, storing or processing the PHI. A HIPAA business associate agreement must include several provisions:

What are other Business Associate Contract Requirements?

A written business associate agreement should also require other activities by the business associate in order for the covered entity to be assured the business associate is complying with HIPAA rules.

Can I avoid a Business Associate Agreement?

If a covered entity transmits ePHI to an independent medical transcriptionist but doesn’t sign a business associate agreement with them, is the transcriptionist still a business associate?

Yes! A business associate relationship is a function of the PHI shared and the business associate services provided. Several covered entities have found out the hard way during an investigation of a breach of PHI at a business associate that the lack of a business associate agreement with an organization receiving the covered entity’s PHI does not protect the covered entity – or the erstwhile business associate – from penalties under HIPAA. Organizations receiving, transmitting, or storing PHI from a covered entity are considered business associates, even if no business associate agreement is in place.

How did the HITECH Act of 2009 affect Business Associates?

The HITECH Act made business associates directly liable for compliance with several provisions of the HIPAA Privacy, Security, Breach Notifications and Enforcement Rules. Some of the most important of these potential violations include:

Failure to provide the Secretary with records and compliance reports; cooperate with complaint investigations and compliance reviews; and permit access by the Secretary to information, including protected health information (PHI), pertinent to determining compliance.

The HITECH Act does not permit the U.S. Health and Human Services Department Office for Civil Rights (OCR) to take action against a business associate for charging an unreasonable fee for access to protected health information held by the business associate. But the OCR can still take action against the covered entity using the business associate in those circumstances.

Business Associates and HIPAA Breaches

Business associates are not necessarily more vulnerable to unauthorized disclosures of PHI, but the scope of unauthorized disclosures can be very large when the business associate’s services involve large volumes of ePHI. Hacking incidents have already resulted in the unauthorized disclosure of 1.5 million ePHI records in the first half of 2023 alone, according to reports in the OCR’s Breach Portal, aka, the “HIPAA Wall of Shame.”

Although the HITECH Act clarified many of the issues related to business associates and the need for a business associate agreement, there are still many nuances to the requirements for business associate agreements with certain health care providers. For more questions, a valuable resource can be found in the FAQ section on Business Associates on the HHS website regarding HIPAA.