Carrying Firearms in Pennsylvania

Like most states, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania regulates the carry of firearms in various ways, these regulations vary depending on the manner and context. Please see the list below to find information related to the manner in which you are interested.

Carrying a Firearm Concealed or in a Vehicle

In Pennsylvania one must possess a valid license to carry a firearm concealed or in a vehicle. This license can be in the form of a Pennsylvania License To Carry Firearms or a similar permit from a state with which we have a form of reciprocity.

Carrying a Firearm Openly

While a Pennsylvania License To Carry Firearms is required to conceal a firearm, Pennsylvania law does not regulate the open carry of a firearm. For more information, please see our page on Open Carry in Pennsylvania.

Carrying a Firearm For the Purpose of Employment

If you need to carry a firearm for the purpose of Employment (such as an armed guard, an armored car driver or the like) in Pennsylvania, you must go through a more complex set of testing and training commonly referred to as ACT 235. This involves firearms training and qualification along with passing a psychological test all performed by certified individuals.